A trauma informed & holistic approach that includes your body in your healing.

How do you want to feel when you die?

Oh yeh, I am starting with that. That question changed my life. I am assuming that you maybe landed here because you are also questioning what living a life really means to you. As far as we know we maybe only get one go and when you engage with your mortality it offers you the opportunity to live a more intentional, joyful and fulfilling life.

Before exploring this question I was rushing through my life. Doing all the things I thought I should be doing, building & running a 6figure business, saying yes to everything, validating my existence through my unsustainable level of productivity, always too busy, responding from trauma and starting to make myself very very poorly. On the outside people thought I was successful and yes I was by societies standards but inside I was deeply lonely and my whole being was suffering. I had built a brand, identity and life around someone else’s idea of what made me valuable.

And then this question.

Throughout the last few years I have broken down, scaled back, retrained and let go of the life I thought I should have been living. I recognised that all the things that made my life meaningful were free and just needed time and space to be enjoyed. My Autism diagnosis in 2022 was also a launchpad for starting the process of unmasking, to strip back the false layers I had created to fit in and find out who I really am. It’s been a deeply challenging but rewarding transformation and everyday my life feels more and more magical.

We live in system that disembodies and disempowers us from an incredibly young age. Most of us will try to do all the things we are told to do and many of us will get to a stage where we start to ask ‘was this what I really wanted?’ quite often the answer is no.

Life isn’t a linear thing, it’s cyclical. Instead of choosing one destination or trying to fit in a box for our entire lives, we can choose to be constantly evolving, growing, expanding, resting and letting go. Choosing a slow cyclical way of living & healing in a system that has enforced a never-ending summer is an act of revolution.

Life and business coach London


Soma - Latin for the body.

It has long been proven that we store trauma in our bodies. Our body which modern society has us believe is less important than our mind. Our body which so many of us try to escape and many of us punish.

Somatic therapy is the opportunity to include the body in our healing from trauma. For me, as a human with complex trauma establishing a relationship & communication with my body was the missing piece in my journey.

And that is why I have trained in trauma informed somatic therapy and embodied movement.

Life is always going to be filled with challenges, suffering and grief if we want to live full lives. Somatic therapy not only helps with integrating and healing our pasts, it can also give us the skills and capacity to move through our lives with more ease and relaxation, even when things are hard.

This is a holistic approach which is led by you. I am a guide and a space holder not here to fix you but to help you find more capacity, ease and hopefully some joy in life

Life and business coach London

Why on earth would you want to WORK WITH me?

What a question to answer. I can imagine you might be asking it though, I would be.

Firstly, I am not original, nothing I share or help people with is new. I have had and still have many of my own teachers, space holders & guides. I view it as a privilege to sit with people, to have the honour of hearing their stories and witnessing their transformations.

And this is why I am so passionate about this work, because the more connected and loving we are with ourselves, the more we all thrive and the better our world will be.

I don’t view you as something broken that needs fixing.

I see you as a being who is in a process of remembering that you are whole.

That being said, somatic therapy does have a coaching element to it. There is an abundance of tools and practises that I can share with you to help you remember.


Somatic therapy is a whole body approach to therapy (the head/mind is also a part of our body) and some of the potential benefits are...

  • The opportunity to build a healthy relationship & communication between mind & body

  • Find more ease and relaxation even when life is feeling hard

  • Learn about our nervous systems and how they impact our lives

  • Learn skills for regulation and resourcing 

  • Build more capacity for all of our emotions 

  • The possibility to integrate & process past trauma (only once our relationship  and regulation & resourcing has been established)

  • Experiencing more joy & connection 

  • Establish healthier relationships with others

Please note that I am not a clinician. I can’t diagnose anything or offer pescriptions or advice on medication.

the how we work together…

Sessions for Somatic Therapy can feel similar to normal talk therapy, especially in the early stages as we get to know one another and are building trust. 

The key differences are that right away we will be including the body in the conversation and there is also a coaching element as I share knowledge, resources and practises with you. 

The outcome will very much depend on your own participation and willingness to engage with what is suggested. Anything I offer is always just an offering, you can always say that doesn't work for you or adapt the offering to better suit your needs. 

Sessions will be 50mins long, take place on zoom and are very much led by you. 

It's also worth reminding that I am currently still in training (evaluation and supervision stage) which is why these are being offered at a reduced cost (my rates will go up from the 1st April 2025). I have been working with clients though for the last 3 months and I have capacity for a few more over the Autumn/Winter. 


  • If you want to book a session as and when then it’s £65 per session paid at the time of booking.

  • Or if you can commit to a 4 week block with the same time and day each week sessions are £50 each and are paid for at the time of booking.