Why I walk and why you should too.

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For as long as I can remember I have always walked, a lot. I average between 10-15km a day most days. It’s only when I have long days of shooting that I don’t but even then I will try to find a way to fit it in , either by not using the tube or making sure I go for a run/walk before or after.

Walking is something I make time for everyday and there are many good reasons for this. For me it’s a similar feeling to meditation, if not better. My head clears and my anxiety eases and it’s where I have the freedom to do my deepest thinking.

It’s where I find relief from things that worry me but it’s also where I come up with my best and most creative ideas. It’s my space for problem solving, coming to terms with things and grounding myself. More often than not while walking I will just let my imagination and thoughts run riot while focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, it’s one of the most enjoyable parts of my day.

It’s also a wonderful time for exploring, whether it’s getting lost in the city or discovering a new nature trail. I have stumbled across some of my favourite restaurants and shoot locations while walking in London and well the great outdoors never fails to inspire me.

And it’s not just me who loves the benefits of walking. Nikola Tesla, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein are just a few examples of great innovators and thinkers who regularly walked.

The health benefits of walking are also huge. A 30min brisk walk everyday will do the following:

  • Increase cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness, so it helps your heart and lungs.

  • Reduces risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Strengthens bones and improves your balance.

  • Increases muscle strength and endurance.

  • Reduces body fat.

The mental health benefits are also huge. With studies showing that walking can reduce the risk of developing depression, reduces fatigue, improves creativity, increases blood flow to the brain and releases endorphins. All amazing things that can help you feel better across the board.

Fitting it into your day isn’t as hard as you think it might be. Have you got a phone meeting scheduled? Do it on the move. Get off a stop early on the tube or take a walk during your lunch break. Encourage others to join you and maybe organise your meetings to be walking meetings. There are many gaps in our days where we can fit a little walk in. The most important thing to remember is that something is better than nothing.

Just give it a month of fitting in some intentional walking and I bet you will feel a massive difference in your productivity, well-being and have a new level of focus when it comes to your business. For me it’s become a crucial habit that I make time for no matter what and you will regularly find me walking from my office in Victoria to London Bridge or strolling around Hyde Park when I need a break from editing. I have even been known to finish a 10hr wedding and walk across the city to Victoria station ( I did it last Sunday from Farringdon) with all my camera gear because I know its the best way for me to decompress.

If I can fit it in to my busy schedule then you absolutely can.

ami robertson