Dance for Palestine

A space for collective rage & grief through Somatic Ecstatic Dance and sharing circle on Sunday 6th October 7-9.30pm.
Photo by Nadia Meli

As we are approaching one year (and 76yrs) of genocide and oppression by Israel in Gaza & Palestine I want to create a space for our collective rage and grief AND raise some money for families in Gaza via Operation Olive Branch.

On Sunday 6th October from 7pm (UK time) on zoom I will guide a Somatic Ecstatic Dance that could be a space for your body to find expression of the grief & rage we are all holding.

About the dance…

Somatic Ecstatic Dance is a guided & supported journey of exploring free movement. Through storytelling, music and somatics you will have the chance to meet creativity, ecstasy and connection through the dance. Ecstatic dance can be an opportunity for self-recognition, an awakening to our true nature through movement. Without the restrictions of containers or rules we can find our own authentic expression, allowing life and everything we feel to move through us.

This space will be trauma informed and welcoming of everything you are feeling.
How much or how little you move is up to you, free movement isn’t always big and neither does it need to look like anything.

In Somatic Ecstatic Dance we use an access point of the body to help support embodiment & movement. We will access this practise through the blood we all share. The blood that holds our life force and our stories. The blood that moves us.

After we have danced, we will have a grief & sharing circle. An opportunity to feel held by the collective so we can continue in our activism for a Free Palestine and beyond. The fight for all our freedom because until we are all free, none of us are free.


Sunday 6th October at 7pm (UK time) on Zoom.
The dance will be recorded and sent out the following day, the sharing circle will not.

Cost is £10 and everything after stripe fees will be donated to families on Operation Olive Branch.
If this isn’t affordable for you please reach out and we can sort that out. Email is

When booking please use an email you can be contacted on so you can be sent the zoom link.

You will need spotify premium, a safe place to move & dance, a speaker or headphones and some blankets and pillows to get cosy after.
You might also like to light a candle and have a journal to hand.