A reflection of Twenty Eighteen.

brand photographer in london

Well what a 12 months that has been. I launched The Woman and The Wolf back in November 2017 and I am beyond happy with how well it has done. In 2018 alone I have worked with nearly 40 businesses to help them show up more through beautiful and authentic images.

Never did I imagine that in my first year I would work with so many amazing and inspiring people. It has been a privilege.

I am still pinching myself as I just love this work. I have been humbled by the people I have met, the people who have been so open with me and who have set aside their own hang ups about themselves to serve their own clients and put themselves out there to build their businesses. And humbled that they have trusted me to show them off in the best possible way.

I also launched the Annual Brand Photography Package in the late summer as I saw a gap that needed to be filled. Small businesses now more than ever need to have a strong Social Media presence and for that fresh and seasonal content is key and that’s exactly what this service provides and I am so excited about the businesses I am working with currently.

I have always said that what I provide is so much more than just a headshot. It’s about creating imagery that connects people to their audience which in turn brings them in the business that they want. What has been the biggest reward though is seeing how through having a brand photo shoot the people I have worked with have become confident to really push their visibility and show themselves off.

Following their journeys has just been incredible.

This past year personally has been turbulent though. I have always promised to be open about the challenges I face as we all have struggles and I just don’t believe in not being truthful about that. Social Media can often be a highlights reel where people only share the ‘best bits’ and my belief is that we should be talking more openly about the issues we all face.

This builds connection and by sharing my own story both the good and the bad I have deepened my relationships with my audience and my clients.

This year has tested my resilience and taught me so many new lessons through my experience. The loss of my Grandad one of the most important people in my life on New Years Day opened the year in the saddest way possible but his last words to me a couple of day before he left us have been the driving force behind this year.

He told me he loved me, that he believed in me and that he knew I would go out there and be the best I possibly could be and that is exactly what I am doing each and everyday.

The summer saw me leave my fiance and a life I have lived for nearly 6yrs. While it was the right thing to do it was heartbreaking and turned my life upside down especially as it saw me camping out at my horses stables for 3 months in the tea room.

Beginning again saw me strip back everything in my life and while having no kitchen or bathroom (Sevenoaks leisure centre was a saving grace) was a challenge I also learned that stuff means nothing and being outside pretty much all day everyday with the animals I love was the greatest healer.

Now I am settled in a caravan for now 5mins from my horses and the cheap simple way of living is allowing me to invest in my businesses and save for my future. It’s also allowing me focus and in business that is so important!

There has been so many other little mishaps including two yes two severed arteries. One was a horse on our yard and being first on the scene my emergency response was put to test and through a team effort by everyone who was there the horse is still here. The second was my beautiful dog Esther, who somehow found some glass in the woods a couple of weeks ago and once again I was met with so much blood and potential loss but again through people pulling together and brilliant vets all was well.

I have decided to carry bandages everywhere from here on in…

Jokes aside these little challenges have taught me that I am pretty ok in a crisis and that every challenge needs a team of people to bring about the best result.

Which brings me on to the people in my life. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. I have incredible family and brilliant friends some of which I was lucky enough to meet this year.

Surrounding yourself with the right people is so important and I do not know where I would be now without the friends & family that I have. They are my cheerleaders and support. They are the people I laugh with and cry on. I could not be more grateful for each and everyone of them.

So what do I want for 2019? Such a big question and I have so many plans. January is looking action packed already with some great work and amazing projects.

Ultimately though I want to continue doing what I love with who I love, my clients. I will be opening up the diary for two quick branding shoots and one full branding a month over the year and I still have three spots to fill for the annual brand photography package. I am also going to be of course running the mini sessions throughout the year which I hope to sell out.

Personally my main goal is to live well. I haven’t been prioritising myself very well in 2018 so I want to change that for 2019. I also want to improve my riding, having backed my young horse this year I had a sudden plummet in confidence so changing that is going to be very important to me.

My other big thing is a little more travel, both in the UK and abroad. I love landscape & nature photography as my own personal joy so doing more of that is on the list.

My words for the year are happiness, stability and simplicity.

So there you go my reflection on the past 12 months. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of it and here is to enjoying the present and looking forward to the future.

Happy New Year!
Ami xx



ami robertson