A Brand Photo Shoot with Lucy from Madcreative!

brand photographer in london

Ah I love Lucy from Madcreative! This was the second shoot I have done with her this year and I always have such a good time photographing this super lady.

Madcreative is a business that specialises in websites, design and marketing and Lucy really knows her stuff as well as being such a great person to work with. I have also worked with a number of her clients on their brand photography and they really sing her praises.

For this shoot I went to Faversham where Lucy is based and we focused on lifestyle portraits of her being herself and doing what she loves. We also chucked in a few flatlays for good measure.

Every time I work with Lucy I love the content we create so I am really excited to be showing her off for the second time on the blog!

I am also very excited that I will be photographing her again for the winter mini sessions in less than two weeks time.

If you want to follow Lucy (Which you should) you can do so in the following places:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madcreativedesign/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Madcreativedesign/
Website: https://www.wearemadcreative.com/


I am so excited about these as winter/christmas in London is always amazing for photos and I have some incredible people already booked in. They will be held in the Kensington/Hyde Park area with the option of Winter Wonderland for some proper festive content!

If you want to grab one of the last remaining spots on the 9th or 10th December just click on the button below…

ami robertson